Before your appliances break, lets get you covered.

Choose a plan below to cover your washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, and/or freezer. After signup, a claim can be made immediately. However, you'll want to schedule the machine(s) to be certified to avoid a $200 deductible. Your machine(s) can be certified free of charge by clicking the "Certify" button below to make an appointment.

Step one ~ Become a Member

1 Machine

2-3 Machines

4-5 Machines

Step two ~ Cerification Appointment

Step three ~ Peace of Mind

Appliance Warranty Memberships

”Most late model devices are programmed by manufacturers to fail in one to five years. This extendable warranty is what you need to avoid the expense of designed obsolescence.”~Dj Wilson(CEO)

Now lets talk perks…

Members only


6 months from previous service

Over time, your appliances collects dust, grease, and different types of particals that can cause damage or exessive wear and tear. We can help preserve your asset with a 6 month check up.


2 years from purchase or exchange

Appliance manufacturers are setting a standard of immediate obsolescence. Causing consumers to purchase again every one to five years. Members can upgrade before the odds of failure become too high.